Title I » Title I

Title I

Title I Designee: Ms. Escobar
"The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you." - B.B. King
Dear Teachers, Staff, Parents, Guardians, and Community Stakeholders:
Welcome to Jane Addams' Title I webpage. We are available to assist you during school hours.
Bienvenidos a la pagina del programa de Titulo I. Estamos disponibles para ayudarle durantes horas de escuela.
What is Title I?
The purpose of Title I funds is to meet the educational needs of children in low-income households. Participants include students who are at risk of failing, disabled, and English learners.
Compensatory education funds supplement services needed to raise the academic achievement level. To reach the goal of accelerating student achievement rates, the District has established the following instructional priorities for Title I programs:
  1. provide effective, research-based professional development;
  2. provide support for at-risk students with social and emotional behaviors;
  3. promote personalization via reduced student-to-teacher ratio and reduced student-to-counselor ratio;
  4. provide supplemental materials for Tier II interventions; and
  5. build effective school, family, and community partnerships.
District Parent Involvement Policy
The 24-25 District Parent Involvement Policy is available online to all parents, families, and guardians. Please see drop down menu on the right side of the page.
La 24-25 Politica del Distrito Escolar de Los Angeles para la Inclusion de los Padres de Familia Titulo I esta disponible. Consulte el menú desplegable en el lado derecho de la página.

Parent and Family Engagement Policy and School-Parent Compact for Academic Achievement 2024-2025
The school's 24-25 Parent and Family Engagement Policy and the School-Parent Compact for Academic Achievement will be made available through our accessible website the week of December 9, 2024  - no later than Friday, December  13, 2024.
La Planilla Política Escolar Título I para la Participación de los Padres y el Pacto Entre Escuela-Padres para el rendimiento académico 2024-2025 se hará disponible en forma digital por el sitio cibernético de nuestra escuela la semana del 9 de diciembre del 2024. No más tarde del viernes 13 de diciembre del 2024.
Annual Title I Meeting/Junta Anual del Titulo I
Join us on Thursday, August 29, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. for our Annual Title I Meeting during our Parent Meeting in Rm 1. You will learn a lot of interesting facts regarding this federal program, mandates, benefits, students' services, meet with the Principal, etc. 

Acompañenos y participe en la junta anual del Título I el día jueves 29 de agosto del 2024, durante nuestra junta de padres a las 8:30 a.m. en salon 1. Usted aprenderá detalles sobre este programa del gobierno federal incluyendo beneficios, servicios a estudiantes, reunion con el principal, y mucho más.